New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2

New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2

New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford package contains OBDII Device, sense dongle, software. This new Ford KM Tool support Read KM from car, Write new KM into car. Fix normal connection bug.

UKOBD2 Provide top quality New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2, if you need New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2, or have any questions about New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2, welcome to contact us.

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New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2 New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford by OBD2

New KM Tool CAN BUS for Ford
Top 5 Reasons To Get KM Tool for Ford:
1. Newest Software: V2.0
2. Language: English
3. Operating System: Windows XP
4. Fix Bugs of Accessing ECU with MONDEO 2008-, SMAX DIAG and GALAXY 2006
5. Update Online


1. Ford KM Tool(CAN BUS) includes 3 parts: OBDII Device, sense dongle, software.

OBDII device: it should connect car and computer.
Sense dongle: it must connect to computer while the software is running.
Software: First choose car type, then you can use Read KM to get the old KM. Also you can use Write KM to change KM in car.

2. Function

Read KM: Read KM from car
Write KM: Write new KM into car.
About…: The support instrument dash num, device info, newest version, update etc. All info can be get from here.

1) While the KM is reading:

2) After reading success

3) While writing KM

4) Write data success

While change KM, just follow the tips give in software bottom.
You can try some times if Write KM failed.


1) Support instrument dash:

*AA06-*-* VP6M2F-*-* VP8M2F-*-* *8A6T-*-* *6S6T-*-* *4M51-*-* *8V4T-*-* *4L2T-*-* *7R33-*-* *8L8T-*-*
*8C3T-*-* *9T1T-*-* *8T4T-*-* *7M5T-*-* *6R33-*-* *6F2T-*-*"

2) Device Info: From here you can get you Dongle ID, dongle version, device ID, device version.

3) Update Online:

You must connect to internet for update. First you can find the newest version from the bottom. Then you can get you dongle version and device version with button Device Info. You can update your device and dongle if you find new version. For software you can download from our web site.
Warning: While updating dongle and device, please don’t stop the update process. After update you must reconnect the device. Dongle doesn’t need.
4) If you find any problem, you can send car type and log.bin file to us. The log file is in the same directory with the software. Also you can submit your question in our blog.

Package including:

1pc x KM TOOL Cable for Ford
1pc x USB Dongle
1pc x CD software

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