12v 40a switch
Spot/Flood LED/HID Work Driving light Wiring Loom Harness 12V 40A Switch Relay Driving Light off road spotlights for JEEP SUV
Spot/Flood LED/HID Work Driving light Wiring Loom Harness 12V 40A Switch Relay Driving Light off road spotlights for JEEP SUV is a one of our 12v 40a switch Tools, you can buy Spot/Flood LED/HID Work Driving light Wiring Loom Harness 12V 40A Switch Relay Driving Light off road spotlights for JEEP SUV from foxwellpro.com.
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images of Spot/Flood LED/HID Work Driving light Wiring Loom Harness 12V 40A Switch Relay Driving Light off road spotlights for JEEP SUV

Spot/Flood LED/HID Work Driving light Wiring Loom Harness 12V 40A Switch Relay Driving Light Off Road Spotlights for JEEP SUV
Product Description:
1 x 12VDC 40A Driving Lights Wiring Loom
New heavy duty wiring suitable for HID and Halogen lights
Relay and Fuse included
Easy DIY
Quality Product Professionally assembled wiring loom suitable for driving lights. Most of the wire ends are terminated with spade/plug or ring fitting for quick fitment. The on/off switch is press button type with adhesive backing for easy mounting. The switching relay is rated to 40A so you could wire 10 or more driving lights (depending on the wattage). Has a built in 40A replaceable fuse holder too. This is a convenience way to wire your driving lights.
12VDC 40A rated wiring loom
12VDC 40A switching relay
Blade fuse holder with 40A fuse
Press button on/off switch
Terminal ends on most wires
Go to Buy: Spot/Flood LED/HID Work Driving light Wiring Loom Harness 12V 40A Switch Relay Driving Light off road spotlights for JEEP SUV