Land Rover T4 Mobile Plus
T4 Mobile Plus diagnostic system for Land Rovers is a truly portable diagnostic tool, designed to compliment and expand the functionality and versatility of the T4 Diagnostic System. Obd365 always provide you the best price.
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Original T4 Mobile Roger Portable Diagnostic Tool

Language: English
Description:T4 Mobile Plus with its Intelligent Connection System (ICS), the tool supports all J1962 supported MG Rover vehicles at the push of a button --gone are the days of swapping diagnostic cables!
Utilizing the latest PC technology,T4 Mobile Plus has been designed with portability and ease of use foremost. T4 Mobile Plus has been specifically optimised for use as a "Road Test" tool using standard T4 diagnostic software. T4 Mobile Plus has been designed as a fully expandable diagnostic tool, which will support full integration with the expanding T4 Product Platform.
Compared with Ford VCM, this one support old and new LandRover cars.
Function:1. Portability for road testing (subject to taking necessary precautions. T4 mobile + should only be controlled by a passenger for road testing)
2. Use as a mobile diagnostic and "Road Test" Tool
3. Cable switching at the press of a button offering reduced service times and costs
4. Fully compatible with T4 Product Platform - will integrate with T4 EAM, T4 Wheel Alignment, RAVE, etc
5. Utilizes current standard diagnostic software (DJR, DRM, DRE)
6. Supports all 96MY onwards J1962 diagnostic
7. User configurable printer supports all Windows XP listed printers
8. Includes 12 months full Technical Support and Maintenance Program
9. The ICS will support new vehicles via simple user controlled software updates
10. Comprehensive accessories available to tailor the product to your specific needs
Specification:1. Intelligent Connector System:
EOBD/OBD II Vehicle interface compatibility
2. T4 protocol handling for legacy support to the following cables:
* DTC0061
* DTC0062
* DTC0063
* DTC0064
* DTC0065
* DTC0064 + DTC0057 adaptor
J2534 host and interface compatibility
USB version 1.1 host communication
Operates from Vehicle supply - range 8-16Volt
User configurable to support future communication protocols
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