U Wedge
Stiff Car Door U Wedge is capable of exerting extreme force/pressure.Please use this tool with extreme care.Over inflation may cause damage to the vehicle. The manufacturer,distributor,and dealers of this product are not responsible for use or misuse the tool.
Stiff Car Door U Wedge is a one of our U Wedge Tools, you can buy Stiff Car Door U Wedge from foxwellpro.com.
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Stiff Car Door U WedgeDescription:This tool is capable of exerting extreme force/pressure.Please use this tool with extreme care.Over inflation may cause damage to the vehicle. The manufacturer,distributor,and dealers of this product are not responsible for use or misuse the tool
A.This tool is effective when slid between the car door and the weather stripping on the door frame.One the pump is squeezed,inflating the Wedge,the car door separates from the frame.This allows plenty of room to insert a car-opening tool,into the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
B.Insert the tool between the window and the weather stripping which is contact with the window use a car-opening tool or slim-jim to manipulate the mechanics within the door.
C.This tool can be used when framing doors on buildings use this wedge between the door frame and wall to center the door or door frame before attaching the door or door frame to the wall.
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