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2018.03V Microcat Live EPC for KIA V6 Part Catalog
2018.03V Microcat Live EPC for KIA V6 Part Catalog is a one of our microct live epc Tools, you can buy 2018.03V Microcat Live EPC for KIA V6 Part Catalog from foxwellpro.com.
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2018.03V Part Catalog for Microcat Live EPC for KIA V6
contains all information about spare parts and accessories of Hyundai vehicles. The drawings help to assembly and disassembly of all parts of the car because all components are specified in great detail.
This catalog contains all the information HYUNDAI vehicles manufactured
from 1980 to 2017. It covers cars, R / V business.
The program can locate the vehicle requested by your VIN (Vehicle Identification number).
Covers all regions: Australia, Usa, General, Latin America.
contains all the information on spare parts and accessories of KIA vehicles in all markets. It can also be useful as manual assembly / disassembly.
Comes in several languages: English, Spanish, French, German, etc.
Easy to use. Always up to date. Rock-solid dependable.
It’s fast, it’s VIN-precise, it’s user-friendly and automatically updates to the latest available OEM parts data.Microcat LIVE™ is the industry leading online Electronic Parts Catalog (EPC) that grows dealer parts sales, productivity and customer satisfaction.
How it works:Accurately filter to the vehicle required by VIN, license plate, catalog search or the vehicle index.
Browse illustrated parts lists or instantly search by description, multiple part numbers, PNCs and more.
Quickly build parts orders to email to customers, forward to staff for picking or to send to your DMS.
VIN and registration vehicle identificationLast 8 or full 17-digit VIN code identifies a vehicle quickly and accurately.
Multiple jobsOpen multiple tabs of Microcat LIVE in your browser to quickly assist new customers. The browser tab is labelled with the vehicle model so you can switch between jobs with ease.
Powerful parts search optionsFlexible search options ensure you get to the right parts, first time. Search with maximum efficiency by description, multiple part numbers, up to 10 PNCs and more.
Seamless DMS integrationWith seamless transfer between Microcat LIVE and your DMS system, there’s no need to manually key in part numbers and quantities.
Flexible illustration displayView illustrations the way that suits you. Select between full screen, horizontal (section data below the illustration) or vertical (section data side by side) displays.
Intuitive illustration handlingControl illustration zoom by hovering your mouse cursor on the parts illustration and rotating your mouse wheel. Parts illustrations open 100% fit to screen and centered for best possible view.
Single click’ order all for PNC searchesOrder all parts that are returned with a multiple PNC search, with a single click.
Order parts from search resultsOrder required part numbers directly from search results, without the need to load illustrations.
Film strip and custom catalogPreview, scroll and search through all sections of the catalog that have been loaded, and group sections to create your own custom catalogs.
High-resolution parts illustrationsSee every detail with high-resolution illustrations and callouts that are clearer at all zoom levels, and when emailed or printed.*
Global VIN recognitionCatalogs that are not in your data region can be loaded using a valid 17 character VIN search, empowering you to sell parts to customers that have purchased vehicles outside of your region.*
Email customer quotes, parts data, illustrations and VIN detailsProvide better customer service and increase satisfaction by emailing important information directly from Microcat LIVE.
Easy sharing and editing of notesAdd a note against a VIN, catalog, callout, part number and section that can be seen and edited by users, to improve communication and reduce errors.
Parts applicability coloringInstantly identify correct fit parts in green font and selective fit parts in blue font.
Color photos of parts and accessoriesOpen a color photo of an applicable part or accessory for quicker and more accurate identification.*
OEM bulletins, tips, guides & moreOEM bulletins, tips and other documents are linked directly to applicable part numbers, to enhance your parts knowledge and customer service.
Parts order and illustrations favoritesCommon searches and multiple look-ups require fewer clicks and less time with parts order and illustrations favorites, helping you provide quicker customer service.
Integration to Superservice MenusExchange VIN and parts information, improve workshop process and bridge the communications gap between parts and service tasks with integration between Microcat LIVE and Superservice Menus™ Precision Quoting.
Integration to Superservice Triage MPICustomer details, VIN information and job details from a multi-point inspection, can be instantly transferred from Superservice Triage™ electronic MPI to the Microcat LIVE order screen.
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