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Xhorse VVDI2 VAG Full License VV01 VV02 VV03 VV04 VV05
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images of Promotion! Xhorse VVDI2 VAG Full License VV01 VV02 VV03 VV04 VV05

Xhorse VVDI2 VAG Full License VV01 VV02 VV03 VV04 VV05
License including:(VV-01) VAG 4th Generaion Immobilizer Yes
(VV-02) VAG 5th Generaion Immobilizer Yes
(VV-03) VAG OBD 48 Copy Yes
(VV-04) ID48 96bit cloning Yes
(VV-05)VAG MQB Immobilizer Yes
Notice:VVDI2 hardware is not included. Please pass us serial number of your VVDI2 for activation, it will take 24 hours.
Go to Buy: Promotion! Xhorse VVDI2 VAG Full License VV01 VV02 VV03 VV04 VV05